Ghost Gang
Hang out with the best smelling ghost you've ever met..
Malachi, the little guy
Freddie, the scared one
Rico, the loud one
and Maurice, the one always wondering WHY?!
Scented with the signature GRAVEYARD dirt scent.
Discover a unique gemstone inside to keep the spirits away
(and to tell you which area of your life you gave ghost in)
I forgot I was supposed to even get these until I got an email saying they’d shipped it 65 days ago!
Ghost Gang Candles were not in the shipment. There was a free cat candle and the pyramid candle
Absolutely love these little ghosties and they looked great on my mantle during the halloween season and have migrated to my bookshelf with some horror books. I haven't been able to bring myself to burn them yet because they're so adorable so I can't comment on the scent!