¿Mystery Pyramid Candle¿
*Includes tongs, burn card, and freebies!
*WARNING: These are from Dr. Drips Collection...and if you didn't know he's a madman and quite unpredictable. The scents may not be good. They may only have 1 crystal inside. They might have something odd in them. We don't know. We didn't make them. Dr. Drip did. Proceed with caution.
The scent is amazing
Beautiful and smells amazing
I love these candles. Smells good and always fun to see what stones you get. The mystery candle was a good deal not to expensive.
5/5 Stars! I am so lucky & grateful that I subscribed to the monthly subscription for the Mystery Box in September. I wanted something special for me as a belated birthday gift to myself and the universe or 'algorithm' brought to me to Soul^Terra. Upon subscribing for the mystery box I was able to redeem a free mystery pyramid candle by Dr.Dr!p himself. One thing that excites me are mystery items✨ I got F**king lucky with my mystery box and candle I am in awe with it*I kick myself in the ass that I didn't take proper picture of unboxing my candles and the goodie bag of trick or treats~ I was so excited to be in the moment & show my family members what a beautiful candle I've received. I wanted to admired this moment beyond just a candle. Manifestation was made and it was a sacred moment for me, I instantly got the mystery pyramid candle out to trimmed wick and lit it up. I've noticed something that probably others overlooked that solidify this amazing experience, my candles were protected. Yes, protected. There was salt protection I'm guessing in my box while this order was being delivered. It makes sense there's are energy exchanged To & From that there was a step that they took into consideration. No other metaphysical shop has taken this step into consideration when mailing out tools of divination or spiritual guidance to manifest. This has to be the most unique, fun, beautiful, and meaningful loving guidance that has inspired & informed me about my spiritual journey.
With that I wanted to properly thank the teammates at Soul^Terra✨ You guys had made this experience above and beyond my expectations. I received the best birthday gift that I've had ever given me since I've gotten sober. Thank you! P.s. I really appreciate to know this scent Dr.Dr!p ~ this scent got me hooked and it drives me crazy that It's a mystery scent I cannot wait to see what what message you see in this candle I've received. Btw I've received 12 gems& minerals. 8 has been excavated & 4 crystal are still lodged in.
¿Mystery Pyramid Candle¿