Handcrafted Artisan





Herbal Soaps

Soul-Terra Candle Co. EST. 2014

Inspired by the PYRAMID:
More than just ancient structures—they are powerful symbols of transformation, energy, and consciousness itself. Their unique geometric form, with a broad base that narrows to a single point, mirrors the journey of human awareness: grounded in the physical world but reaching toward higher realms of insight and spiritual elevation.

The pyramid’s shape is a conduit for energy, focusing and amplifying it, creating a harmonious flow that aligns the mind, body, and spirit.

Zodiac Candles

Discover: Crystals, Runes, Fossils, Tarot Cards, Meteorites, Rings & Jewelry.
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
AQUARIUS Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
plum 🜁 floral
ARIES Sage Candle
ARIES Sage Candle
ARIES Sage Candle
ARIES Sage Candle
ARIES Sage Candle
ARIES Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
ARIES Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
amber 🜂 oud
CANCER Sage Candle
CANCER Sage Candle
CANCER Sage Candle
CANCER Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
CANCER Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
lily 🜄 sea salt
$60.00 $100.00
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
Cedar 🜃 Pine
GEMINI Sage Candle
GEMINI Sage Candle
GEMINI Sage Candle
GEMINI Sage Candle
GEMINI Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
GEMINI Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
plum 🜁 floral
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
LEO Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
LEO Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
amber 🜂 oud
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
LIBRA Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
LIBRA Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
plum 🜁 floral
PISCES Sage Candle
PISCES Sage Candle
PISCES Sage Candle
$60.00 $100.00
PISCES Sage Candle
Rating: 4.85 out of 5 (3710)
lily 🜄 sea salt

Step inside the lab...

For over 10 years, Soul-Terra has brought together various artists to create magical smelling masterpieces. Poured in small-batches with a focus on quality & intention, a Soul-Terra candle is unique artisan candle that instantly transforms a space.
The Ancient Recipe
Handcrafted from the Heart

The Ancient Recipe

Wax holds energy. We infuse crystals, herbs, oils, flowers, salts, and other ingredients to form a candle that emanates good vibes & can be used for meditation + manifestation + cleansing your space .
Crystals & Gems
Discover unique & hand-picked

Crystals & Gems

Inside every Soul-Terra candle, you'll find 3-5 unique crystals, runes, fossils, jewelry, meteorite tektites, tarot cards, or lucky talisman.
Crystal Reading
Your Horoscope Awaits...

Crystal Reading

Post your finds & tag us on your socials for a crystal reveal reading. @soulterra

Soul /sōl/ - Terra /ˈterə/

'Soul' of the 'Earth'

"Scents that awaken the soul & crystals that ground you to the Earth"

Welcome to the Magick Candle Factory



A Soul-Terra Crystal Manifestation Candle
The Alter

If you don't have one already, we suggest setting up a small space where you can sit & meditate. This will be your alter, where crystals, pictures of loved ones, or other sacred objects can be placed.

The Intention

Write on a piece of paper an affirmation of which you are trying to manifest. Every day, say this aloud whilst lighting your candle, and blowing it out.

The Reveal

As your candle slowly burns over the days to come, remove the gemstones and other treasures as they become revealed. Why did you get these specific pieces? Maybe there is a message for you within them. You can snap a picture & send them to us for a reading by one of our psychics.

The Alter
The Intention
The Reveal

La Passion Massage Candle

Hot body safe wax infused with tantric oils.

Twin Flame Massage Candle

Rating: 4.83 out of 5 (6)
$36.00 $39.99


Passion. Pleasure. Pain.
A love born from Ares & Aphrodite.
Inhale the fresh flowers that adorned the lovers' bed and feel the rich oils reserved for the Gods of Olympus. 
Extinguish candle before using massage oil. For external purposes only.

1 Heart Shaped Crystal Inside


Learn about the Soul-Terra Philosophy.
Spring at Soul-Terra
Spring has sprung and our beautiful ideas have not only sprouted, but have gracefully grown,...
Embracing the New Year
As the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, the world collectively ushers in a...
The sign of Libra
In Western astrology, Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac and the second of the air triplicity. It is believed to govern the period between September 23rd and October 23rd. Libra represents cardinal air, typified by rationality and sociability. It is ruled by the planet Venus and has its exaltation (highest personification of its energies) in the planet Saturn. It is symbolized by the scales of justice – demonstrating the classic Libran approach to rationality and balance. It is the only sign of the zodiac to be represented by a man-made object. This may be due to its classical association with the Roman State.