Red Dahlia
We are not talking about tottering around in smart heels, a sharp suit and a fancy hat. What we are talking about here is acting in a dignified manner. How do you see yourself? Have you dealt with the situation with grace and dignity? Are you treating yourself and others involved with the respect that you and they deserve? If someone is yelling at you like a demented fish wife, it doesn’t mean you have to sink to their level and hurl language back that would make a sailor blush. We all get into a fix sometimes and it is very easy to say things that we don’t really mean or react in a manner that we wouldn’t normally do. Take a deep breath and just have a time out for a brief moment. Think about what you want from this and the best, most dignified way to resolve it. There will be a pathway that allows you to come out of it with your self-respect intact.
Such a noble and elegant flower can be used in workings for dignity and grace but also to allow us to stand tall and be proud of our achievements. It can help in magic for self-esteem and respect and aid us to see ourselves as others do and be impressed at what we find. It helps in protection spells against deceit, allowing you to see through the vails and masks of others.