The Last Unicorn Set
For a limited time only, get the Unicorn candle & hidden crystal soap!
Scented with white Lillies & wild flower.
Loved this candle soap duo!! They both smelt great!! Idk what was in the soap, but I used a lil on my face and it cleared my acne up fast. I’ve been using facial wash for acne and it didn’t do a thing for it. Used this soap and boom cleared it up. Would love it if y’all did more in I guess you would say fairytale style. Mermaid, fairies, dragon, etc. 😁
I love this candle. I got it because The Last Unicorn by Peter S Beagle is one of my favorite books. I didn’t check what the smell was before buying it & I regret that. The smell is not it for me. I don’t like the smell of lilies. But the candle is gorgeous.
Love, love, love this smell!! Please make more of this candle! Or at least more candles with this scent!! It was amazing!