I Will What I Want

I Will What I Want

Jun 30, 2016William Robinson

What does it mean to “will what you want”? I think I saw this saying first from one of my yoga mentors, Kathryn Budig, and it has stuck with me.

To me, willing what I want means being very clear about my goals, and then putting them to ACTION.

I have grown an online business based on action, when no one was looking over my shoulder to make sure I was doing the work, when I wasn’t even making that much money.

I succeeded and will continue to succeed because I have vision, and I take action.

For all of you entrepreneurs.. those who have the goal of someday leaving your day job to pursue your OWN dream, I want to tell you it is 100% possible.

You just have to do the work.

So for me, things started to shift in my business.. even when I still wasn’t quite able to leave my job to pursue what I do, online fitness coaching, full time. I want to share THREE THINGS I did that shifted my mindset & helped me dream bigger.

1.I started WRITING DOWN my goals on a weekly basis.. in the PRESENT tense, as if they’d already happened. I thought clearly about how I wanted my life to look, and then put pen to paper and wrote out what I wanted to achieve. My husband and I also began setting intentions for what we wanted in the short-term (6 months or less) and wrote them down in the present tense. We read these intentions every day and made shifts to them as needed, but the point is– we thought CLEARLY and CONSISTENTLY about what we wanted in our lives.

2. I started believing I was the person who could achieve those goals. I did this, and continue to do this, through personal development. Personal development is not something for insecure people who need self-help. It’s for anyone looking to improve the quality of their life. It’s for anyone who knows how important it is to continue learning, even after graduation. I started listening to audiobooks  & podcasts by Darren Hardy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Jon Acuff, Grant Cardone, Chalene Johnson & Jen Sincero, to name a few. I let the words of people I looked up to get into my head every single day. The more I did that, the less negativity got to me; the less I doubted myself and the task I had before me: to officially, 100% call myself a full time business owner.

3. I showed up to HUSTLE on my dream every single day. Someone once told me you can’t spell “attraction” without “action”. So true. How can I expect to meet new people, new potential clients & friends, if I’m not SHOWING UP? I built my online business when I worked 3 other part time jobs, in the midst of planning my wedding. I had tons of reasons to push my business to the side. But each time my serving shift was slow, I’d sneak to the back and do work. Each evening after my workout when I wanted to sleep, I worked a bit more. You’ve gotta show up. You’ve gotta believe there will be reasons to quit at every turn, and you need to have a shield of ARMOR in your belief system. If you found what you love, you deserve to never give up on it. You work so hard for someone else’s dream & vision.. why would you not put in just as much, or more, work into your own?


You can do anything. And that’s not cliche. That’s how this country was built. People had crazy dreams. People’s ideas were shot down by society. But those people had a vision. They never gave up. The WILLED what they wanted to happen.

My hope for you is that you first identify what you want in your life… acknowledge your passion or spend some time figuring out what the heck you ARE passionate about. And then, decide how that can start to be a bigger part of your life. It will NOT happen overnight. If you go the entrepreneurial route.. you will be busier than you’ve ever been. But I’ll tell you from personal experience, when you reach the point where your passion becomes your business, and you’re able to live in it everyday, the hustle is worth it.

Will what you want.






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